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Raffle License
Before you can order your first raffle licence you must be deemed eligible by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission. Once the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission have approved your organization, you are then able to order raffle licences.
To apply for raffle licence eligibility:
Complete an Eligibility for a Raffle Licence form and fax or mail it to the Alberta Gaming and
​Liquor Commission:
Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission
50 Corriveau Avenue,
St. Albert Alberta, T8N 3T5.
Phone:(780) 447-8600
Fax: (780) 447-8918
Once your organization’s eligibility has been determined, you will be notified and your group will be added to the list of approved groups provided to One Stop Licence Shop.
All Licenses Ltd. is then able to issue raffle licences to your organization.
Raffle Licence Rules:
An approved organization can purchase a raffle licence to run a raffle with a ticket value of $10,000 or less, and to raffle off small prizes.
Only religious groups and charities (including community organizations, arts and cultural groups, and amateur sports organizations) can apply for a raffle licence.
Profits from the raffle must be used for religious or charitable activities. The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission licences gamine events such as raffles – click here for information about Raffle Terms and Conditions.
Conducting a gaming event without a licence is a serious criminal offence.
A raffle ticket licence is not a bingo, casino, or pull-ticket licence. These types of licences must be applied for directly from the “Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission“
Click here for further information about “bingo, casino, raffle and pull ticket gaming licences’.
To obtain a raffle licence, you must provide the following details:
Your group’s full name and address
Raffle chairperson’s full name and address
Details about how the profits will be used
Ticket price and number of tickets printed
Description and retail value of prizes (must be a minimum of 20% total ticket value)
The raffle costs (advertising and printing expenses)
For Further Information On This Program, Click Here.
PRICE LIST – GST included
Raffle License - $15.75