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Disabled Parking Placards
Effective November 1, 2001
A parking placard and/or disabled licence plate enables those with the greatest needs to use specially designated parking facilities. The placards are issued to individuals who provide proof of eligibility under this program. An applicant requesting plates must either have the vehicle(s) registered in the name of the person with the disability or be a joint owner on the vehicle registration.
To apply for a placard, an application form Parking Placards for People with Disabilities Application must be completed by your physician, physiotherapist or occupational therapist and submitted to a registry agent office.
When someone is applying on behalf of a person with a disability for a first application, that individual must show acceptable identification for themselves and for the person with the disability.
To qualify, an individual must be unable to walk more than 50 metres.
There are three types of placards:
Blue placards, which can be issued to those with long-term disabilities and are valid for five years
Blue placards, which can be issued to those with Permanent disabilities that can be self-declared every five years without the medical personnel signature
Red placards, which can be issued to those with disabilities that are temporary in nature, but will affect them for a period of three to twelve months (Note: A visitor in need may use their valid (non-expired) parking placard from their home jurisdiction during their vacation or visit to Alberta.)
Visitors to Alberta
A visitor in need, without an existing placard, may apply for a temporary red placard for the duration of their visit. Visitors will be considered for a parking placard and should contact a registry agent for more information.
For Further Information On This Program, Click Here.
PRICE LIST – GST included
Disabled Placard - $9.00