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Vehicle Renewal Month
The month when your vehicle registration is up for renewal depends upon your last name. To find the expiry month of your vehicle(s), find the first letter of your last name. Some last names require the first two letters.
Expiry month: January
Last name begins with: A (no Av), I, J, Ke, U, X, or Company #
Expiry month: February
Last name begins with: M (not Me) or Q
Expiry month: March
Last name begins with: B (not Be) or Y
Expiry month: April
Last name begins with: D or G (not Gr)
Expiry month: May
Last name begins with: C (not Cl) or N
Expiry month: June
Last name begins with: Cl, H, or Sc
Expiry month: July
Last name begins with: Av, Be, L, Sz, V, or Z
Expiry month: August
Last name begins with: E, Gr, or R
Expiry month: September
Last name begins with: F, Po, or T
Expiry month: October
Last name begins with: S (not Sc or Sz)
Expiry month: November
Last name begins with: K or P (not Ke or Po)
Expiry month: December
Last name begins with: Me, O, or W
We can easily help you remember your renewal month with the following options:
Register online to have your vehicle registration automatically renewed each year
Sign up for an email reminder so we can let you know when your registration is due