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Land Title Search
We provide land information services regarding the custody of all original and titles and source documents. This includes land title searches and historical searches.
All land title information and documents held by the Alberta Land Titles office are public information. We have access to search the Alberta Land Titles vast database by legal description of the land. If you only have a street address we can generally convert it to legal description while you wait.
Current Titles
Current titles identify the current owner and all outstanding interest in the property, including mortgages, caveats, easements and builders’ liens.
To obtain a title search you must provide the legal description which consists of a plan, block and lot. The simplest way to search for a title is by land description. However, if you don’t have the legal land description, we can search by municipal address. There will be an extra cost as we have to do an initial search for the LINC (Land Identification Number Code).
Historical Titles
We can also order a Historical Title, which will tell you who owned a property before the current owners. Certain pieces of information may be required including: reference title number, owner’s name, and legal land description.
Document Copies
Photocopies of documents available to order include copies of easements, utility right of ways, mortgages, caveats, etc. The registration number is required.
Survey Plan Copies
We can order prints of registered plans. We require the plan & unit number or the plan, block & lot numbers. The Land Title office provides these plans on large paper format, so we require 1-3 business days for delivery to our office.
Land Title Transfers and Updates
We can process the paperwork for Land title transfers and updates. Just bring along your most recent Property Tax Assessment and any Joint tenants – we will require their photo ID and signatures on the forms.
For Further Information On This Program, Click Here.
PRICE LIST – GST included
Land Title Search / From a legal description - $25.00
Land Title search / From a street address - $35.00